
Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a common condition that affects many people, regardless of whether they play tennis or not.

It is a type of tendinitis that occurs when the tendons in your elbow become inflamed due to overuse or injury.

In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for tennis elbow.


Tennis elbow is caused by repetitive stress to the tendons in your elbow. This stress can be caused by a variety of activities involving repetitive motions of the elbow and wrist such as

  • Playing tennis
  • Lifting weights
  • Typing
  • Painting

Over time, this repeated stress can cause tiny tears in the tendon, leading to inflammation and pain.


The most common symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outside of your elbow. This pain can be mild or severe and can radiate down your forearm.

You may also experience weakness in your grip or difficulty holding objects. The pain may be worse when you make certain movements, such as lifting/ gripping objects or turning a doorknob.


What can you do if you have signs and symptoms of tennis elbow?

If you suspect that you have tennis elbow, it is important to seek treatment right away. Your physiotherapist/ Orthopaedic can help you develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Some common and effective treatments for tennis elbow include:

  • Ice: Helps to reduce inflammation and pain at the elbow.

  • Compression: Wearing a brace or compression sleeve helps to support your elbow and reduce pain if the pain level is extreme.

  • Physiotherapy: Your physio can help you reduce pain through various hands-on techniques and movement correction.


How can you prevent tennis elbow?

To prevent tennis elbow from recurring, it is important to take steps to reduce your risk of developing the condition. Some tips to help prevent tennis elbow include:

  • Learning and using proper technique when playing sports or doing other activities that require repetitive arm movements.

  • Stretching/ warmup before any physical activity or sport.

  • Making your muscles strong enough to support your sport or any activity. Do specific upper body strengthening.

  • Taking breaks and resting your arm if you start to experience pain or discomfort.

Tennis elbow is a common condition that can be painful and debilitating. However, with the right treatment and prevention strategies, you can reduce your symptoms and improve your elbow's function.

If you suspect that you have tennis elbow, be sure to consult with a physiotherapist or Orthopaedic to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.